Sunday, January 15, 2012

Feral Cat Emergency, Helping Only Takes a Few Seconds of Your Time

I had planned to post something that would give you more of a taste for the general flavor of my blog as my first real post, but this is an urgent matter that cannot wait…

This is a feral cat emergency in Waco, TX. You cn do something to help with just a few seconds of your time.

In the summer of 2007, Lions Club granted Heart of Texas Feral Friends access to Lions Park so our volunteers could spay/neuter and vaccinate the park’s cats through a process called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).

Our volunteers helped TNR more than 40 cats, at NO COST to Lions Club. Today, there are only 9 TNR cats living at the park, all are spayed or neutered, vaccinated against rabies, and cared for daily by volunteers.

Now, five years later, Waco Lions Club board members voted to evict these 9 cats from Lions Park…

You can get updates on the situation and find out what you can do at the Heart of Texas Feral Friends website. This is the latest update:

Sun., Jan. 15 at 7 p.m.
It's outrageous!
preventing HOTFF Volunteers from feeding the 9 Park Cats.

Who would have expected this from a respected long-standing "service group"
towards a fellow volunteer group providing them a free program
on land leased to them by the City of Waco for the "public good"?

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