Friday, July 24, 2015

Punk Rock Pre-School Is A Thing And I Want To Go - MTV

You have to go read the article, or at least see the really cool picture from the article that I wasn't able to post here.
So what exactly is Punk Rock Pre-School? Well, it’s basically a (lite) crash-course in the music business — mixed with all the usual fare kids learn before they head to kindergarten. Geller has written eight songs in total to teach the kids about everything from geography to currency.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Protect Your Pet this 4th of July

This is an excerpt from the Linda Blair Worldheart newsletter. Linda graciously granted me permission to re-post these important tips for keeping our pets safe this year. Thank you, Linda!

You can read the entire post here

Please go see their website and learn more about the incredible work they do for animals and how you can help!

Protect Your Pet this 4th of July

Follow these precautions to ensure a SAFE and HAPPY 4th of July:

  • Resist the urge to take your pet to fireworks displays.If possible, stay with the animal during the majority of the fireworks. They often react more intensely to loud sounds and flashes of lights when humans are not around.
  • Keep your pet indoors! Never leave pets outside unattended, even in a fenced yard or on a chain. In their fear, pets who normally wouldn't leave the yard may escape and become lost, or become entangled in their chain, risking injury or death.
  • Do not leave your pet in the car. With only hot air to breathe inside a car, your pet can suffer serious health effects-even death-in a few short minutes. Partially opened windows do not provide sufficient air, but they do provide an opportunity for your pet to be stole
  •  If you know that your pet is seriously distressed by loud noises like thunder, consult with your veterinarian before July 4th for ways to help alleviate the fear and anxiety he or she will experience during fireworks displays.
  • Always keep proper identification securely fastened to a dog's collars in case it gets out. Consider talking to your veterinarian about implanting a universal microchip.  Make sure your veterinary hospital and animal shelter have your correct contact information in their database.
  • Keep them away from the front and back doors. They may be under significant stress, which could result in unnecessary injury to others or cause them to dart out the door and become lost.
  • Create a special area or "den" in your home where dogs can feel safe. A properly introduced crate or kennel can be a calming refuge.  
  • Some dogs become destructive when frightened. If you don't use a crate, be sure to remove items from the room that they could destroy or would hurt them if chewed.  
  • Keep windows and curtains closed to reduce noise and bright flashes.
  • Turn on a TV or radio at normal volume to distract them from loud noises. 
  • Consider hiring a pet sitter to stay with the animal while you are away from home.